
Should I bring bail money?

This page is usually loathe to discuss personal issues, but depending on tomorrow's events, this may be the final episode of the Bear 604 Show.

This page has been ordered by the Federal Government to attend an 'information session' with respect to my Employment Insurance Claim. Apparently, I have bled the system dry as a result of my being out of work for the past five months, and during most of that period I was medically unable to work. This 'information session' is being conducted by a 'Investigation & Control Officer', which makes as much sense as a Human Rights seminar being led by a Warden from Guantanamo Bay.

As some of you are aware, this page, like 1 in 10 Canadians, suffers from Clinical Depression, and like 1 in 100 Canadians, has a personality disorder. For the past few weeks since being medically cleared to look for work again, I have been working with an Human Resources Officer from an employer where I have recall rights, and a Business Agent from my Union, to place me in a position where I can apply my skills and experience, and in doing so provide taxpayers like you with maximum value.

Unfortunately, this does not appear to be good enough for the right wing, hysterical, poor-bashing, Safe Streets, blame-the-victim apparatus of the State, who are bullying me into their offices tomorrow. While this page is not (yet) officially under investigation, I am expected to respond to a questionnaire that insists on reporting any hitherto unreported earnings, and such personal details as my childcare arrangements, volunteer activities, and any absences from the Vancouver area. The latter infuriates this page, have the Luddites at Human Resources Development Canada not heard of such technological advances as the telephone, fax machines, job search web sites, or e-mailing one's resume?

This page has enough incentive to get back to work soon, about $3,000 worth if I can get back to work by the end of this month. What exactly do the Feds want, and what could they possibly have to offer? Does David Emerscum need slave labour for the speed-skating sinkhole in Richmond? Does Stephen Harper need to fill a few more body bags in Afghanistan?

For the record, this page returned his bottles for a deposit, does not have children, put in 10 hours on Libby Davies campaign, and visited his Mom (and Walnut Boat's) for a week during the Holidays. If that's enough for Ottawa to gain a conviction, well, at least this page will know what he's doing for the next couple of years.

The Clash said it best around 1982 when they said our right to a social safety net is conditional on "a little investigation...humiliation..." Obviously, some introductions have long been in order. Employment Insurance Act, meet The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Skip the bail money Bear, but as an ex-EIC EMPLOYEE advocate on the appeals board, I would guess they've found out about your holiday with mom? If, however, you were on Sick Benefits during that time, they may simply want medical info that your doctor had no problem with you traveling. On the other hand, with regular benefits, they will want that money repaid as there are no holidays for those on EIC! Hope this is helpful, glad to hear you left that other province behind although not sure this one is a whole lot better -nicer weather for sure!