
Closed Chambers for 2010?

Canadian Olympic Committee President Michael Chambers doesn't want public medal presentation cerememonies at Vancouver's games in 2010. This attitude only serves to further alienate the locals from the so-called 'Spirit of 2010'. A parade of recent controversies and cost overruns are leaving many in Vancouver concerned about the cost of hosting the games, and whether the public will actually be invited to participate.

While Chambers doesn't want to see high-profile recording artists overshadow medal winners at the ceremonies, he fails to understand that for a lot of working people, the medals ceremony is the closest thing they will get to being at the Olympic Games. This page was in Calgary in 1988 as a student working in the Athlete's Village and couldn't afford to see any events. However, people like me gathered 50,000 strong at Olympic Plaza for the celebrations. The entertainment wasn't A-list, but the out-of-towners loved the amazing Indian dancers of the Treaty 7 Nations, and the cowboy sing-alongs of Miss Molly and the Stampede Showband. Even if those kind of acts weren't ones bag, the fireworks at the end made the evening chill worthwhile.

VANOC would be wise to tell Chambers to think again, especially considering who's currently sitting on City Council. This is the same NPA gang who had no problem telling people not to come downtown for New Year's Eve 2000, I'm sure they'll have no problem in adopting Chambers point of view, and pulling the plug on any truly public Olympic events, just to keep the 2010 party among the corporate elite and the Olympic 'family'.

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