
A Shutout worth breaking

Tomorrow morning the most desired real estate in Vancouver goes on sale. The property is less than 4 sq. feet and can only be acquired for lease periods of less than 3 hours. Of course, this page is referring to single-game tickets for the Vancouver Cancuks 2007-08 season.

The seating capacity at General Motors Place is about 18,000, and the Canucks season ticket base (most of which is corporations padding expense accounts and writing it off) is about 17,000, which makes Canucks tickets the perfect metaphor for living in Vancouver. The wealthy, the well-connected, the lucky, and those who bought at the right time get to be part of the action. The rest of us are consigned to seeing it on TV at home - if we're fortunate enough to have a home.

Once upon a time, this page used to go to quite a few NHL games in Calgary, largely due to the fact that the Calgary Flames expanded the seating capacity of the Olympic Saddledome from 17,000 to 20,000 seats. The extra seats were about $10 a game. In this day and age NHL teams would rather just raise prices beyond what real people can afford rather than increase capacity. That may be fine for hockey tickets, but it's not for housing: someone needs to blow the whistle on governments and influential developers who use the same strategy.

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