
Lost (Accountability) Weekend

Update from Wednesday - Gordon Campbell has recalled the Legislature for a brief sitting tomorrow to address the Olympic Village fiasco. Of course, being a Saturday, there will be no Question Period so that the Opposition New Democrats can't press the B.C. Liberals as to how much influence they exerted on their Non-Partisan Association henchmen on Vancouver City Council to approve the backroom deal with Millennium Properties and their Wall Street bagmen in 2007.

This of course, would be the same B.C. Liberal government headed by a Premier who, just weeks earlier, chastised his federal counterparts for not respecting 'democracy' in forming a coalition against Stephen Harper. For those of you scoring at home, the Campbell gang is poised to amend the Vancouver Charter (i.e. the municipal constitution of Canada's third largest city) with the absolute minimum of debate, so that Vancouver taxpayers can be put on the hook for almost half a billion dollars without having to go through the mess of a referendum (i.e. letting municipal taxpayers decide).

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