
"We're here, we're queer, for the last time, get used to us...and Stevie, be a dear and shut the f**k up!"

Of all the non-issues that drive me to fits of eye-rolling annoyance, the one that has kept the retinas spinning the most lately is the same-sex marriage debate. The Conservatives, no doubt sweaty, giddy and breathless from watching hours of porn (i.e. the Bush inauguration) on Fox News Canada yesterday, are once again looking to divide this country over the issue of whether or not two people of the same gender can book a caterer and get a few invitations printed.

Our story so far: The Supreme Court has spoken, and the government will be looking to pass legislation to reflect what they said . Meanwhile, Stevie Harper, in a fit of opportunistic cross-cultural "Gott Mitt Uns", is trying to rally ethnic communities who traditionally back the Liberals to take a stand for 'traditional' marriage. Ironic, given the variety of traditions some of these communities have historically applied to marriage: you know, the woman as property, the institutionalized rape, the sanctioned domestic violence. Meanwhile, in the 'western' tradition that most Conservatives subscribe to (and renew their subscriptions with the usual Islamophobic riffing about a clash of civilizations), marriage began as a secular (which in 2005 terms, would mean evil), civil ceremony, which would be later blessed by the local church.

Paul Martin, to his credit, has responded to Stevie Wonder's intolerant gambit by calling his bluff. The only upside to this current mid-winter outbreak of homophobia is that it appears that the bigots among us have stopped claiming homosexuality is a gateway to pedophilia. Too bad they now claim it's the gateway to Polygamy.

Geez, with all the trouble some people are having trying to marry just one person they love, why would they want any more spouses? If you're that opposed to same-sex marriage, don't have one.


David Wozney said...

Prime Minister Paul Martin stated: "Polygamy is against the law and, as far as I'm concerned, it will always be against the law".

Can Prime Minister Paul Martin or anyone else explain why polygamy is against the law in Canada?

Consenting adults can be involved in loving polygamous relationships without there being any spousal or child abuse.

Consenting loving adults who are very happy with their polygamous relationships, and who want to continue their polygamous relationships, cannot have their polygamous relationships registered with governments in Canada.

Polygamy is discriminated against by governments in Canada since polygamous relationships cannot be legally registered in Canada.

Why do polygamists not have the right to have their polygamous relationships recognized by governments in Canada?

ricky said...

Hey Bear

That was a great rant. I loved it, Stephen Harper has sunk to a new low, he must never be trusted within reach of the Charter!



David Wozney said...

The concept of "secular" marriage is contrary to Colossians 1:16-18 (KJV) and John 1:3.

Bill C-38 contains this text: "NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:".

Do you believe Queen Elizabeth II, "Defender of the Faith", will enact legislation that is contrary to the Christian faith?

According to the Christian faith, marriage is honourable in all (Hebrews 13:4) whereas homosexual relationships (Romans 1:26-27) are not honourable.

Also, "he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please [his] wife" and "she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please [her] husband" (1 Corinthians 7:33-34).

By enacting Bill C-38, Queen Elizabeth II will have broken her promise to maintain, to the utmost of her power, the laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel.

The existing lawful opposite-sex definition of marriage applies equally to every person in Canada no matter what his or her sexual orientation is.

The Lawful Definition of Marriage in Canada