
B.S.B.S. - Bumper Sticker Bull ...

Here are a few bumper stickers I've had the (mis)fortune of coming across recently:

"Visualize World Peace"
You put this on a motor vehicle, while at the same time thousands have died in Iraq to secure a convenient supply of petroleum for that vehicle. Get your eyes checked.

"A Woman without a Man is like a Fish without a Bicycle"
I don't know about femminists, but the only place for surrealists is in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

"What would Jesus do?"
I'm sure that whenever Jesus was stuck, he didn't ask "What would Moses do?" At least The Da Vinci Code answers "Who did Jesus do?"

"If I can't dance, then I don't want to be part of your revolution"
If I can't run from the army and the police when they start shooting because I'm too tired from dancing, then I don't want to be part of YOUR revolution.

"You can't hug children with nuclear arms"
You can't spank them with weapons grade plutonium either.

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