
...and a side order of Body Bags....

In 2000, George W. Bush stole an election. in 2004, he rigged an election. In 2007, the President goes one step further: by ordering 21,500 more troops to be deployed to Iraq, he completely ignores the 2006 election. How many doomed Republican Congressmen does it take for Bush to grasp the meaning of the phrase "It's the war, stupid."? At the least, more than the bunch who were smoked at the polls last November. When Americans went to the polls last year, they were voting for a way out of the Iraq occupation before it permanently damages the United States ability to play a leading economic and political role in the 21st Century. They may not have been certain as to which route would bring their soldiers home, but the direction was clear: out.

21,500 more troops is not a 'surge', as the President puts it, and it's certainly not a step towards withdrawal. It's escalation, further instability, and a hard-headed betrayal of reality and young Americans in uniform. Haven't Americans had enough of this Faith-based warmongering and Project for a New American Century bullsh*t? Bush may be proud of his Texas roots, but the State where he's really coming from on this one is Denial.

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