
The real dirty words

Bill Bennett is on the outside of Gordon Campbell's cabinet looking in after his e-mail abuse of an constituent showed up at a prominent political blog.

This page contends it's not Bennett's caustic tone, nor the off-colour language that landed the now former Mining Minister in such trouble, but rather these particular words: "It is my understanding that you are an American, so I don't give a sh*t what your opinion is on Canada or Canadian residents..." To the Campbell Liberals, Bennett's real offence is that he forgot that this government, as a matter of fact, does give some serious sh*t as to what Americans think, especially the Americans who run Accenture, Omnitrax, Weyerhauser, the folks at Maximus who have our medical records...

Really, it's Bennett's own fault: He of all people should know that this Bennett's day when smack-talking MLAs let us run our own railroads and generate our own electricity are long gone.

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