
Estoy fuera de aquí.

This page is on his way to Mexico with Walnut Boat.

For those of you scoring at home, this is my first visit to Mexico. Not so long ago under Vincente Fox and the much more southern exposed Bush White House, it appeared that Mexico was about to nudge Canada out of the position as Uncle Sam's favorito.

However, after Iraq, the leftward tilting of Latin America's politics (including a near victory for the left in Mexico) and the incessant bellowing of Lou Dobbs, Mexico's centre-right regime under Felipe Calderon seems to be taking un paso detras from deep integration, at the same time Stephen Harper is shoving Canada towards it. For all the post - 9/11 security hysteria at most of the world's airports, this page looks forward to disembarking in a country where searches are conducted on the honour system and a passport is optional. While the religious right continues to wreak havoc on the Constitution and steal Americans' human rights, Mexico is slowly but surely making progress on gay rights and a woman's right to choose, despite being the bedrock of Catholicism in the Americas.

Regular episodes return April 10. Adios paha ahora!

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