
CBC - Can we Boycott this Crap?

For slandering three members of the BC Ferry and Marine Workers Union, this page is calling on his readers to boycott the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

For those of you scoring at home, the Transport Canada inquiry into last year's sinking of the Queen of the North at Hartley Bay has not concluded. The three crew members were fired on the basis of allegations made by BC Ferries during the employer's own inquiry. On the advice of their lawyers, the three crew members did not testify at this inquiry. A Kangaroo Court is one thing, but when the Kangaroos are out to bust your union, it's another.

For all the op-ed screaming done by the Vaughn Palmers, Michael Smyths, and Gary Masons of their ink-stained Liberal fifth column, the crew members are still innocent until proven guilty. However, the nation's public broadcaster went too far in their website article: "three crew members who were responsible for navigation and steering the night the Queen of the North sank along B.C.'s north coast last year."

Not "alledgedly responsbile", or "possibly responsible", it's "WERE" responsible. And for the syncophantic right-wing hair splitters out there, the use of the word "responsible" denotes liability on the part of the crew, why doesn't the CBC report use the term "assigned to navigation and steering" or any other less loaded and biased term than saying "who were responsible"?

If British Columbians don't stand up BC Ferries vandalizing of due process, it means that our maritime transportation safety will rest in the hands of a private, unaccountable corporation rather than the lawful federal institutions chartered to keep us safe. If we don't stand up to the hanging judges at the CBC, then anyone of us is automatically condemned after a workplace accident our employers want to cover up. Jackie Millar and the BCFMWU are certainly right to grieve the verdict of BC Ferries' hung jury. They would also be right to leave every ferry in the fleet at the dock until Ferries' CEO David Hahn defers to the Transportation Safety Board and issues an apology.

This page understands that local travellers may not be able to avoid BC Ferries, but we can certainly avoid the media outlets who take the tarnished word of BC Ferries as the gospel truth.

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