
A Happy Planet at 12th and Cambie?

Gregor Robertson is running for Mayor of Vancouver.

Now that Peter Ladner has decided to throw a monkey wrench through the spokes of Sam Sullivan's NPA (Nasty Political A**holes) hegemony, the emerging split on the right makes a great opportunity for the Juice King to throw his hat in the ring. Robertson has done yeoman work for his Fairview constituents as an NDP MLA, and would certainly be seen as a fresh alternative alongside the colourless technocrat Ladner and Sullivan, arguably the biggest wheelchair-bound sociopathic thug since Lionel Barrymore in It's a Wonderful Life.

This page would have preferred to see Raymond Louie as Vision's Mayoral candidate, because of his City Council experience, his reputation as a young, hard-working family man (George Bailey to Sullivan's Old Man Potter) and the fact he could rip down Sullivan's bogus claim to have a mortal lock on Vancouver's Chinese community. However, Robertson does have a strong understanding of fiscal policy, understands how to build coalitions rather than polarize people, and has impeccable environmental credentials, compared to Sullivan's 'Eco-Density' fraud. Vision, and the civic Left in Vancouver, are not going to find much better in a Mayoral candidate.

1 comment:

RossK said...

With you on the suitability of Mr. Louie.
