Cash in Your Chips
How Stupid Are You?
Hope I Die Before I Get Old
Vote Early. Vote Often.
...and the guy in the Red Shirt always dies.
One Nation Under Canada, with Liberty and Justice for Some
The Coffee We Can Count Out
Memo to Tim Horton's and your shareholders: you know where you can 'Roll up your Rim'...
Clinton's Last Chance: The BS WMD?
Repressed Again for the First Time
An RCMP Security Consultant says that 'changing tactics' by activist groups pose a security threat to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. This page says what we have here is a failure to communicate. Tom Quiggan's warning doesn't come as a surprise, given that it's wrapped in the usual fear-mongering over-reaction marked by the right-wing ascendancy. Remember how the B.C. Lieberals turned panhandling into 'Aggressive Panhandling'? According to Quiggan and the Mounties, Protesters are now 'Violent Protesters'. 'Security' doesn't mean the prevention of harm to the life and limb of the general public, it means that the undisturbed hegemony of the 'Olympic Family' and their corporate and government lackeys must be preserved at all costs, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms be damned.