On January 1, 2009 this page will be prohibiting the use of a number of words, phrases, and expressions which I find either to be inappropriate, annoying, or banal in their overuse during 2008. As a public service, the list appears below.
Maverick - Unless you're referring to the old TV Western starring James Garner, please refrain from using this term, as John McCain's subservience to the Rethuglican Party has drained it from any real meaning.
Crackberry - Living next to Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, this page has never felt it was that appropriate to liken RIM's signature personal communications device with a destructive cocaine derivative, often laced with heroin, and has destroyed the lives of many of my neighbours.
Undemocratic - The House of Commons is composed of 308 Members of Parliament, each of whom were elected by their respective constituents. Each of them swears an oath to act in the best interests of the country as they see fit. Sometimes that means forming a coalition to remove an obtuse bully from 24 Sussex. It also means no one has the right to claim 'this isn't what we voted for.'
Reality TV - If you squint through the credits of Survivor, The Bachelor or Big Brother, you'll notice that these shows have more writers than any sitcom or television drama. Who's being manipulated more, the participants on these shows or the viewers accepting them as legitimate entertainment?
Support our Troops - This page regards the men and women of our Armed Forces in high esteem and wishes that they will be safe in the performance of their duties and swiftly returned home. 'Support our Troops' is code for 'My country right or wrong' and its time to come up with another catchphrase to express my aforementioned sentiment.
The Best Place on Earth - The Province of British Columbia has the highest rate of Child Poverty in Canada, and Gordon Campbell has the gall to have ICBC to print that on our license plates. One would think the Best Place on Earth would have no Child Poverty, a livable minimum wage, and Social Housing so people have a base from which to lift themselves out of poverty.
Nation - As a sports fan, this page is tired of bandwagoning fans who root for whatever team generates the most national media attention. Root for the home team or shut up. This also goes for supporters of any national soccer team who have never set foot in (or have no family members from) that particular country.
Under the Bus - This page has nothing but sympathy for what the good people at Greyhound, Trailways, and local transit authorities have gone though over the past year, as it appeared that no politician or celebrity was spared the cruel and inhuman practice of having his or her carcass metaphorically tossed below a very large motorcoach. Enough is enough.
OMG - Anyone else tired of text messaging jargon working its way into the pop lexicon? FFS, get an actual keyboard.