

One would think that going into the final legislative session before the May 17 election, Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberals would come up with something positive and dramatic. Yesterday did see mention of a raise in the minimum wage and a tuition freeze, but unfortunately for BC students, those announcements came from Ralph Klein next door in Alberta.

On this side of the Rockies, the most the Lieberals were willing to offer (besides the usual misleading statistics and tax cut lullabyes) was pegging tuition increases to inflation, which means no real tuition relief, and not much else for anyone. In fact, Campbell admitted outside of the Legislature that the Liberals are walking away from a signature promise of the 2001 campaign, creating 5,000 bed spaces for BC Seniors. Even though he's been behind the wheel of province for the past four years, our favourite drunk driver blames the NDP for this one too.

If there's anyone I came away from the goings on in Victoria yesterday with a newfound respect for, it's Lieutenant-Governor Iona Campagnolo. Anybody who can sit in front of 79 MLAs, the media, and anyone watching on TV, and read out that the government is committed to increasing the fruit and vegetable intake of British Columbians by 20% while keeping a straight face, is obviously something special.

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