
Root for the home team

Today's New York Times features some interesting group dynamics from Benedict Carey.
"social scientists who have studied group performance under pressure say that often it is decentralized groups (like the Yankees) that prove more resilient than strongly connected ones (like the Red Sox); they are better able to weather outside criticism and internal quarrels. "

Reading this piece reminds me of another dynasty that was in spring training last weekend. Like the Yankees, these guys don't always get along, they're always surrounded by controversy, but still come out on top more than their fair share. They grab a lot of free agents from other teams. Switch "Alex Rodriguez" to "Scott Brison", or "Randy Johnston" to "Ujjal Dosanjh", and you'll get Carey's point even if you don't know baseball.

However, if you're a New Democrat who knows baseball, we could discuss a suitable analogy for when Pierre Truedeau jumped from the CCF to the Liberals...

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