
Je me souviens quoi je veux souvenir

Stephen Harper recognizes Quebec as a Nation within Canada. Regular readers may the find the following words shocking and deeply disturbing, but this page agrees with the Prime Minister on this one. The social, cultural, and political evolution of Quebec differs radically from the rest of Canada, and all most Quebeckers want is for someone outside of Quebec to finally smile and nod their head to that fact.

As far as the political impact is concerned, the pundits and talking heads are tripping over themselves to declare Harper's declaration as a strategic masterpiece. In reality, the resolution does little more than shoplift the box of fireworks for the Liberals' upcoming convention. When the writ is dropped again sometime in the next few months, the Conservatives will also have to recognize that most Quebeckers support the Kyoto Protocols, consider the national childcare 'program' a joke, and villify the Charest government for their misadventures in private health care. Quebec may be a nation to the Conservatives, but it may not necessarily be a friendly one.

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