
So's Your Mother

Previously on The bear604 Show:

What a load of crap this page is!!! It sounds like some wannabe from the 'Toronto Nation.'
# posted by Anonymous : 3:57 PM

This page tends not to respond to nasty comments and hate mail, but feeling less generous than usual, I'm going to make an exception in the case of "Anonymous":

First of all, congratulations on the discovery of your ability to operate a keyboard, and recognizing that you do in fact, have opposable thumbs. Your labeling of me as a "wannabe" from "Toronto Nation", is not only woefully inaccurate, it proves my point about the rabid and vicious identity politics that colour life in Canada from politics to pro football. This page is titled The 'bear604' Show, as opposed to The 'bear416' Show for a reason. For those of you scoring at home, the lifetime experience of this page with the city of Toronto is approximately a two-hour layover at Pearson International Airport. Furthermore, I don't see how I could be part of 'Toronto Nation' when I specifically cited "Leafs Nation" as one of the pro sports cults I've grown annoyed by. It's hard to believe that someone capable of using the internet can be that geographically inept.

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