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Gordon Campbell and the B.C. Liberals have cancelled the Fall Session of the Legislature.

Over the past week, this page has heard much shrieking from people with a hate-on for New Democrats about how much Elizabeth May should be heard in the Federal Leaders TV Debate, and how denying her the right to express her views is an affront to democracy. For those of you scoring at home, I haven't heard any noises about the fact that Gordon Campbell has padlocked British Columbia's House of the People out of fear that Carole James and the BCNDP might get in a few shots during the debates or Question Period which could throw a wrench into the Liberals high-performance propaganda machine, which at this moment is churning out more taxpayer-funded touchy-feeliness about how we live in "The Best Place on Earth" (tm).

This page has made his thoughts on the TV debates clear, and doesn't care what kind of televised circus the Federal Leaders perform as long as its their respective parties who are paying for it. In the case of the Legislature, however, its Members are servants of the public and should be in the Legislature serving the public. Are issues like the Pine Beetle infestation or the expanding Homeless population going to go away because there's no one in Victoria to address those issues? In 2001, Opposition Liberal MLAs refused to participate in Question Period or debate NDP legislation in the hopes that they could expedite their malicious propaganda war on the working class and seize power. Here's hoping that the silence this time marks the end of their time in government.

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