
Coming soon to an election near you...

Remember going to the movies a couple of years ago, and seeing films like The Passion of the Christ or Fahrenheit 9/11? Remember how the movies helped America polarize itself into Red States and Blue States? Remember how the controversy grew until even special-effects vehicles like The Day After Tomorrow were accused of having a political agenda?

With congressional elections approaching in a few months, it appears that Americans will once again have the chance to vote with their popcorn. In a few weeks, a graphic reminder of the Bush Administration's raison d'etre will wing its way through multiplexes across the country.

Please switch off all cell phones, pagers, and anything you may have learned as to why 9/11 was allowed to happen in the first place. Enjoy the show.


Don said...

In fairness, Syriana got to go first.

ursa minor said...

Great movie, but nobody organized bus tours to see Syriana.