
I got nothin'

Like a lot of people after the holidays, this page is pretty short of scratch, and those fast food coupons in the mail sure come in handy. Unfortunately, the mailbox also gets a lot of bills, which makes taking up one of those 'free' credit card offers next to those bills a little more tempting.

The biggest bill, however, is the bill of goods the Conservatives and Liberals want to sell Canadians about this country's health care system. Election or no election, it's bad enough in the month of January that both Stephen Harper and Paul Martin (although Paulie Pockets is a little shy in saying so) want us to shill out of our own pockets so they can dismantle the Canada Health Act.

After reading Walnut Boat on this issue, this page doesn't feel so good......what did I do with that thing from MBNA?

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