Local merchants are still more than happy to accept U.S. currency at grovelling exchange rates, even though the Loonie has been working out lately. Security guards at the Bay Centre assured us that the lockers that used to be in their shopping centre were taken out because of 9-11*. Thanks, but one, we actually wanted a locker, and two, wearing a Seattle Mariners cap does not make me Captain America. For that role, I nominate the "singer" by the Empress Hotel who was performing Toby Keith covers, drowning out other buskers and snidely dismissing people who don't support "our" troops.
This page can certainly see the appeal of Victoria for many Americans: what better way to escape from the decline of the Bush Empire by sampling the maple sugar-coated leftovers of the British Empire?
*When I'm not wearing the Seattle Mariners cap, it turns out the lockers were taken out of the Bay Centre because it was a popular drop off for drug dealers.
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