In recent days, this page has trundled down to the front door of his building, gathered his copy of the Globe & Mail, and endured a non-stop harranguing tirade by association. As regular visitors to the show are aware, I am a member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. This page is also (despite having abandoned organized religion years ago) a registered member of the United Church of Canada.
I don't agree with the United Church about a lot of things, and the UC minister who this page is related to is cool with that. However, this page very much does agree with them joining CUPE Ontario in the international boycott against Israel. To the rabid Canwest Global Zionists and the intellectually challenged at the Globe like Margaret Wente and Christie Blatchford, CUPE and the United Church are Canada's new Axis of Evil.
To refute a few of the bleatings from the Israel-can-do-no-wrong crowd: This page is fully aware that Hamas don't exactly have their hands clean either, but their hands aren't on the world's fourth largest military. Israel retains the right to defend itself, but do they have the right to violate the Geneva Convention by systematically punishing all Palestinians? It's also a little annoying to read and hear how CUPE doesn't call down other regimes besides Israel. Having chaired a Political Action Committee for one of Canada's largest unions, this page knows full well that the media flat out doesn't care how much one bleats about East Timor, Myanamar, El Salvador, Darfur, or even Tibet. If it bleeds, it leads - but only if it involves America's best pals in the Middle East.
Fortunately, there are some people who are not CUPE or UC members who also don't completely buy Israel as the victim here. Hopefully, more of them will speak up before the tanks have rolled too far across the West Bank and Gaza, lest all voices of reason be drowned out by Tel Aviv's cry of "Look what you made us do!"
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